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Port coal price increase this week narrowed

Mar. 09, 2021

Beginning last week (March 1-7, the same below), with the acceleration of industrial enterprises’ resumption of work and increased demand for hedging coal at superimposed ports, power plants have entered the contract fulfillment period in March. The overall market activity has increased compared with the previous period. After the continuous decline, the price stabilized, stopped falling, and rose. From Wednesday to Friday, there was a daily jump of 10 yuan/ton. With the decline in demand and fewer anchored ships, it is expected that the increase in coal prices will narrow this week.

Beginning last Monday, the daily consumption of power plants has increased significantly, end-user inventories have declined slightly, the market has seen a watershed, and purchasing demand has increased; superimposed futures premiums have risen sharply, and the demand for spot selling in some parts of the market has also increased significantly, driving the rapid increase in coal prices in the port market. Subsequently, coal prices in producing areas also stopped falling and stabilized, and coal prices in some areas rose. Last Friday, the mainstream price of high-calorie and low-sulfur coal in the Bohai Rim port market reported 640 yuan/ton, and some power plants set bidding bids for bidding. The overall market sentiment was good. However, it is worth noting that coal storage in downstream power plants remains at a medium-to-high level, and the number of days available is within a safe and reasonable range. Up to now, coal storage in key power plants and direct power plants across the country has slightly increased year-on-year, while power plants in the eight coastal provinces have a total of 27.26 million tons of coal, and the available days are 14 days. Although the daily consumption of coastal power plants has generally increased since last Thursday, due to the accumulation of more inventory during the holiday season, power plants are not eager to purchase large quantities when the inventory is high; at present, they can slowly consume their own inventory and deal with the long-term Xiemei maintains rigid procurement, but has low acceptance of rising coal prices in the market, and the overall supply and demand pattern is relatively loose. However, the phased pull of the building materials and chemical industries, which are the main source of coal in the market, has come to an end, and subsequent purchases will slow down, which will also affect the continuous rise of coal prices to some extent.

Port coal price increase this week narrowed

In addition, the Bohai Rim ports have high inventory and slow depots. Although the coal storage in Qinhuangdao Port is still at a low-to-medium level, the surrounding Caofeidian Four Ports and Jingtang Three Ports are all at a relatively high level, and the number of anchored ships is small. The transfer of coal in and out of each port maintains a balance. Has not changed much. Up to now, the total inventory of Bohai Rim ports is 27 million tons. It is still too early to the peak of summer coal consumption and the overhaul time of the Daqin Line. A large number of downstream purchases have not yet appeared, and anchor ships have not increased significantly, resulting in insufficient coal prices.

Last week, domestic coal prices rose. One of the important reasons was that the price of China's imported Indonesian high-calorie coal was upside down, and the purchase demand of domestic users turned to domestic. However, with the rapid and substantial increase in domestic coal prices and the rational return of international thermal coal prices, the price advantage of imported coal may appear again.

Since last Friday, domestic shipping prices have suddenly dropped. The price per ton of 50,000-ton briquette ships from Qinhuangdao to Shanghai has dropped by more than 10 yuan, mainly due to the weakening of the demand for non-coal pallets, which has resulted in an increase in the capacity of coal ships. . Under the premise that the amount of coal to be pulled is fixed, there will be surplus shipping capacity and ocean freight will be reduced.

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