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Market vane Agu 2021

Aug. 13, 2021

The price of brown corundum in Guizhou is rising

The price of brown corundum in Guizhou has risen, and manufacturers' quotations have basically been adjusted. At this stage, the price of local brown corundum blocks sent to the Dengfeng area of Henan is between 4,300 yuan/ton and 4,350 yuan/ton, and the price of four-stage sand is between 4,800 yuan/ton and 4,850 yuan/ton.

According to some companies, brown fused alumina is still restricting production and electricity consumption to protect people's livelihood. Affected by the epidemic in Jiangsu and other places, some freight drivers are unwilling to go, making it difficult for companies to find cars. The freight from Guizhou to Henan has risen to about 200 yuan/ton, or even about 250 yuan/ton, the freight from Guizhou to Jiangsu has risen from 300 yuan/ton to 350 yuan/ton, and the freight has risen by more than 50 yuan. Transportation costs have also exacerbated the rate of increase in the price of brown fused alumina.

Local companies said that currently the main production areas in Henan have been affected by both floods and the epidemic, and normal production in Guizhou has not resumed. Therefore, the tension of brown fused alumina will continue in the short term, and the market price of brown fused alumina will continue to maintain a strong trend in the near future.

Xiaoyi bauxite prices remain stable

In early August, the mainstream price of rotary kiln bauxite in Xiaoyi area: 80 yuan/ton to 1550 yuan/ton, 85 yuan to 1945 yuan/ton to 1960 yuan/ton, 88 yuan to 2200 yuan/ton The price of bauxite in rotary kilns in Xiaoyi area is temporarily stable at around ton. (The above price is for the guaranteed content and does not include tax)

Market vane Agu 2021

The price of rotary kiln bauxite did not continue to rise due to various factors. First, the overall production of bauxite in the rotary kiln has returned to normal. It is understood that at the end of July, due to imperfect environmental inspections and online monitoring, the local rotary kiln company temporarily suspended production and is currently in a state of normal supply. Secondly, Henan and Jiangsu are the main areas for bauxite demand. Affected by unfavorable factors such as the epidemic situation and rainfall, some product companies are in a state of resuming production and supply difficulties. The demand for bauxite is in a downward trend. Some companies reported that Jiangsu and other companies The delayed delivery of bauxite orders already signed by customers has affected the purchase requirements of the next batch.

Based on the above analysis, the rotary kiln bauxite in Xiaoyi area is temporarily stable, and the fuel price that has a greater impact on its cost has not changed significantly. In the short term, the price of Xiaoyi bauxite will remain stable, but in the long term, there will be a price increase. Basic factors exist.

Quotation of coke powder for anhydrous gun mud has been raised

In early August, the price of coke powder with a carbon content of 82%-85%, a moisture content of less than 1%, and a size of 0mm~3mm was currently quoted at RMB 1,600/ton to RMB 1,800/ton in Henan and Shandong. Compared with the previous month, it has risen by 200-300 yuan per ton. Compared with the beginning of the year, it has risen by 400-500 yuan per ton.

It is understood that due to the continued strength of coking coal prices, the market prices and auction prices of various coal types have risen in varying degrees. The increase in coal production in various regions is limited, and some mining companies have begun to supply limited quantities, and coking companies have raised coke prices twice this month. The price of coke powder has also risen accordingly, and traders are reluctant to sell, and supply is tight in some areas. The rise in the price of coke powder will surely further increase the cost of raw materials for gun clay production enterprises.

Coke powder is a refractory material commonly used in the production of anhydrous gun mud. One is to be used as an aggregate to enhance the apparent porosity of the gun mud, improve the air permeability of the gun mud, and facilitate the release of volatiles; the second is to provide the combination of carbon and the volatilized carbon residue of the binder to form a carbon binding phase to ensure the gun mud The final strength; the third is to generate a reducing atmosphere to inhibit the oxidation of other raw materials.

Henan white corundum market price increases

After the flood subsided, the epidemic hit, and there were many bumps in the white corundum production enterprises in Zhengzhou.

There are still companies in Gongyi, Xingyang, and Dengfeng that have not resumed production after being hit by heavy rains, and orders have been postponed. In response to the epidemic, all employees in Zhengzhou, Sanmenxia and other areas have been tested, and the outbound shipment of goods is a problem. The increase in electricity prices in the Sanmenxia area, the increase in electricity costs, and the abnormal production in Shandong and other areas, the supply of white corundum is relatively tight, and the price has risen.

At this stage, the market price of white corundum section sand is between 4350 yuan/ton to 4400 yuan/ton, and the price for old customers is somewhat preferential. After the price of white corundum rose, downstream customers' inquiries increased, some traders began to stock up, and some buyers were on the sidelines.

In terms of raw materials, the market price of industrial alumina continued to rise. Up to now, the market price of industrial alumina is around 2600 yuan/ton, and the price of Yixiang aluminum powder purchased by Henan customers is 2800 yuan/ton.

South Africa's chrome ore supply is tight

In early August, the mainstream quotations in the South African refractory chrome ore market ranged from 1750 yuan/ton to 2000 yuan/ton, and the casting quotation range was 2100 yuan/ton to 2300 yuan/ton ex-factory tax included. Compared with last month, there are some Enterprise quotations are raised by RMB 100/ton to RMB 200/ton.

As the transportation of chrome ore in South Africa has been greatly affected, downstream customers are worried that the reduced supply of chrome ore to Hong Kong will affect production. They have also stepped up stocking, and the market supply is slightly tight. At present, there are not many chrome ore supply companies in stock, and some companies can only supply old customers, and some companies say that they are out of stock. Some companies said that the price of chrome ore in South Africa was raised by RMB 200/ton this month.

According to Chinese customs data, the top three import sources of China's chrome ore are South Africa, Turkey and Zimbabwe. China imported approximately 14.32 million tons of chrome ore last year, of which 11.72 million tons were imported from South Africa, accounting for 81.84%, and Zimbabwe chrome ore was imported approximately 570,000 tons, accounting for 3.98%, ranking third.

Phosphoric acid quotation increased sharply

Up to now, the Sichuan ex-factory tax-included quotation of 85% industrial grade phosphoric acid is about 7,000 yuan per ton, while the quotations of phosphoric acid in Shandong and Henan have reached 7,500 yuan/ton to 8,000 yuan/ton. Compared with July, phosphoric acid rose by about 1,200 yuan/ton, an increase of about 20%.

In July, affected by the power curtailment in Yunnan, the price of phosphoric acid raw material yellow phosphorus rose sharply, and some manufacturers temporarily suspended external quotations. Up to now, the mainstream quotation of Yunnan yellow phosphorus is 27,000 yuan/ton to 28,000 yuan/ton; the mainstream quotation in Sichuan is 26,000 yuan/ton to 28,000 yuan/ton; the mainstream quotation in Guizhou is about 28,000 yuan/ton. Compared with the beginning of last month, the price of yellow phosphorus has risen by more than 6,000 yuan per ton, and the sharp increase in production costs has caused the price of phosphoric acid to rise passively.

In the later stage, due to the rapid increase in the price of yellow phosphorus, the downstream acceptance of high-priced yellow phosphorus is limited, and the market is relatively stalemate. Currently, phosphoric acid is at a relatively high price, so purchasers should be cautious in stocking.

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